Una cosa analoga era avvenuta negli anni '90, quando, dopo la grave crisi, sul panfilo reale Britannia (presenti massoni celebri come Draghi, Tremonti, Soros e la stessa Regina Elisabetta) arrivarono per i "saldi" i più grandi speculatori internazionali accaparrandosi i gioielli della nostra industria. Si chiama darwinismo sociale ed economico (affermazione del più forte a danno del più debole per eliminarlo o assoggettarlo alle proprie mire mercantiliste) e serve ad accelerare il processo di globalizzazione mondialista promosso dalle oligarchie ultracapitaliste al potere (operanti all'ombra delle varie massonerie internazionali e largamente sostenute dalle Sinistre nostrane, alla faccia della loro "superiorità morale" ). Evidence suggests that separation led to short term economic difficulty. Finally the consequences of separation in the north and south of Ireland are examined. This led to increased spending beyond the means of Ireland which caused transition difficulties on independence. UK policy was determined by majority voting and policies were suited to the needs of industrial workers in Britain, rather than agricultural workers in Ireland. There were many economic reasons up to 1913 as to why Ireland should separate. A secondary aim is to assess the economic consequences of independence in the interwar period. The extent to which economic factors were important in Ireland's withdrawal from the United Kingdom will be examined in this paper. While nationalist historians tended to blame Union with Britain for all the economic ills of the 19th century (O'Brien, 1921), recent re evaluations of both historical and recent Irish economic performance have been cause for a reappraisal of the economic relations between Ireland and Britain (Cullen, 1969 Kennedy and Johnson, 1996). The impact of British rule casts a long shadow over Irish history.